“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes.” – Yoda
When embarking on this journey of spiritual enlightenment, there is a new “trinity” that you will find discussed in many of the materials you explore: the Self, the Soul, and Spirit.
Spirit is the creation energy that we as humans have endeavored to explain since the beginning of recorded history. What we have learned is that Spirit is simply that which cannot be definitively explained. So, instead of explanations, we have focused on trying to accept the existence of Spirit without fear. For our purposes, Spirit will be the term used for this creation energy throughout these articles, as it is also used in many of the recommended books and links. There may be references or quotes referring to “God”, “god/goddess”, “Allah”, “the Creator” “Buddha”, “Him/Her”, etc., but to clarify, all these names are interpreted in these materials as references to Spirit.
To illustrate the connection between Spirit and the Soul, I like to think of Spirit as the ocean. The ocean is one huge body of water, but it travels in individual waves to the shore. These waves have their own unique characteristics, their height, speed, shape, duration of time, etc. But after they reach shore, they recede back into the ocean, as waves are individual manifestations of the whole ocean. As Spirit is the ocean, the waves are the individual Souls. The Soul is a unique manifestation of Spirit that is never truly separated from the creation energy. The Soul is our life force, and just like Spirit, the Soul is infinite. As Yoda explained to Luke, “Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” Therefore, by working to connect with our Soul, we are in turn connecting with Spirit.
So where does the Self fit into all of this? The Soul creates an identity, the “Self”, to aid in our learning and survival in this lifetime. The Self is our public persona. It is often referred to as the ego, but it is more than that. It is every perception, memory, personality trait, belief, preference, bias, and everything else that is the result of your environmental experiences. We spend the first thirty years or so of our lives developing the Self in order to become a valuable member of our collective society. However, it is when we choose to focus our attention solely on the Self that we begin to believe we are somehow separated from Spirit as our focus becomes “outward” rather than “inward”. We seek validation from outside sources rather than work to be spiritually accountable to our Soul and enhance our connection to Spirit.
A reconnection to Spirit is the focus of the materials on this site, and spiritual practices are just some of the tools we use to re-establish that connection. This reconnection is what we are referring to when we say, “Come to Yourself”.
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